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What are the types of polishing machines

There are many kinds of polishing machines. How can we classify them? What are the types of polishing machines? Polishing machine, also called grinder, is generally used for mechanical grinding, polishing and waxing. The principle of the polishing machine is: the motor drives the sponge or wool polishing disc installed on the polishing machine to run at high speed. Because the polishing disc interacts with the polishing agent and rubs on the surface to be polished, the pollution, oxide layer and shallow mark on the paint surface can be removed. The speed of polishing disc is generally 1500-3000r / min, most of which are infinitely variable and can be adjusted at will during construction.

(1) According to the power source, there are pneumatic and electric. Pneumatic type is safer, but it needs air source. Electric type is easier to solve the problem of power supply, but we must pay attention to the safety of electricity.

(2) According to the function, there are two functions of industrial sanding / polishing machine and simple polishing machine. Dual function industrial abrasive polishing machine can be equipped with grinding wheel to polish metal materials, and can be replaced by polishing disc to protect automobile paint surface. The machine is heavy and weighs 2-3kg, but it runs very smoothly and is not easy to be damaged. The speed of the model can be adjusted, suitable for professional nursing staff. The simple polishing machine is actually a drilling machine, which is small and the speed cannot be adjusted. It is difficult to grasp the balance when using. Professional nurses generally do not use such machines.

(3) According to the speed, it can be divided into three types: high speed polishing machine, medium speed polishing machine and low speed polishing machine. The speed of high-speed polishing machine is 1750-3000r / man, and the speed is adjustable; The speed of medium speed polishing machine is 1200-1600r / rain, and the speed is adjustable. The speed of low-speed polishing machine is 1200R / min, which can not be adjusted.