Add time :2021-08-04   Click :2963
Techniques of removing sand marks by wet environmental protection polishing machine

  If the wet environment-friendly polishing machine is used for a long time, it will cause sand marks. This is because the environmental polishing machine is damaged during operation. During the normal operation of machinery and equipment, it is necessary to remove sand marks. Torque and speed shall be considered when selecting machinery and equipment. Wet environmental protection polishing machine is a processing machine, which will inevitably wear out after a long time of use.

The techniques for removing sand marks by machinery and equipment include:

  1. Start the wet environmental protection polishing machine and check whether the belt is damaged or may cause sand marks on the workpiece. Replace the polishing tape with a new one. The service time of polishing belt is 2 hours, and it must be replaced in time.

  2. If there are sand marks after adjusting machinery and equipment or replacing sand belt, be sure to repeat adjustment and sanding.

  3. If it is necessary to use coarse sand belt or blasting belt, stop dust reuse for about 4 hours.

  4. When adjusting the pressure grinder, it is necessary to make some adjustments. Do not squeeze hard, so that the sand particles of 180 sand belt are stressed, and the sand particles are easy to fall off without sand marks.

  5. Sanding remover to ensure normal operation. There is no dust at the bottom of the desander, the air inlet valve of the desander can not be adjusted at will, and the internal pressure will also change the performance of the desander and reduce the desanding effect.

  6. Before using the grinder, adjust the cutting amount of each grinding with a feeler gauge.
