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Application benefit of oil mist purifier

If the oil mist purifier} is put into use in production and processing, it must have a variety of interests and benefits. Otherwise, it will not be widely used. What are the benefits of the application of oil mist purifier?

1. The oil mist generated by the machine tool in the processing process will have an adverse impact on people's respiratory system and skin health, and will reduce the operation power of employees; For those who work in such environment for a long time, the incidence of occupational diseases is very high, which will increase the labor insurance expenses of the enterprise;

2. The oil mist will be paid on the floor, which may cause people to slip and cause accidents, increasing the compensation for accidental hazards of the enterprise;

3. The oil mist is full in the air, which will cause the failure of machine tool circuit system and control system for a long time, and increase the repair cost;

4. The direct discharge of oil mist in the air conditioning workshop will reduce and endanger the energy efficiency of air conditioning and greatly increase the application cost of air conditioning; If the oil mist is discharged outdoors, it will not only damage the environment (affect the social image of the enterprise, but also be disposed of by the environmental protection department), but also have the risk of fire, resulting in the accidental loss of industry;

5. The machine tool oil mist purifier equipment can recover and reuse the emulsifier atomized during machine tool cutting to reduce its loss. The detailed recovery benefit data depends on the degree of mist produced by the machine tool. Generally, the higher the concentration of mist, the better the recovery benefit.
